April 9, 2023
Series: It's Not Over
Speaker: Heath McCoy
Book: John
Unfinished feels exhausting. There’s always something more to fix, to do, to change. This Easter, as we remember Jesus’s crucifixion, take heart and remember His words: “It is finished.”
January 29, 2023
Series: Movement
Speaker: Heath McCoy
In this series we dive into the vision of where we’re going as a church. As we get ready to move and grow towards this vision, we prepare by stretching – much like before or after a workout. God wants to stretch you, your timeline, and move you towards a better relationship with him.
January 15, 2023
Series: Frequency
Speaker: Heath McCoy
God knows us and can speak to us in a personal way. He knows every need of our lives and can speak to every area of our lives. We must remember that when God speaks, he often whispers.