February 26, 2023
Series: Movement
Speaker: Heath McCoy
Today matters. What we do today affects tomorrow, so we should strive to make the most of every moment. However, if we’re distracted we cannot engage with what God is doing today. We need to continually surrender our “stuff” to God, otherwise we will miss out on what He wants to do in our lives today.
February 19, 2023
Series: Movement
Speaker: Heath McCoy
Book: 2 Chronicles
Uncertainty is the greatest hinderance to our movement. When we feel lost or confused, things don’t go as planned, or the next steps to take are unclear or uncertain, we stop moving. We need to be careful of what we see and hear, and lift our predicament to the level of God’s promises to get a better perspective. The “perfect time” to move is not a matter of precision, but rather a declaration of submission to God’s plan.
February 12, 2023
Series: Movement
Speaker: Heath McCoy
Book: Philippians
In every season there’s a reason to be grateful. We need to retrain the way our brain thinks about being grateful – we need to make gratitude a way of thinking, not a reason or response.
February 5, 2023
Series: Movement
Speaker: Heath McCoy
Book: 1 Kings
We go through different seasons in our lives. Sometimes, we stay in a season we need to move out of. It may be comfortable to stay in the same place, we may be tired, or it hurts to move. But we cannot over stay our season – God has more in store, so we have to keep moving to see change happen!
January 29, 2023
Series: Movement
Speaker: Heath McCoy
In this series we dive into the vision of where we’re going as a church. As we get ready to move and grow towards this vision, we prepare by stretching – much like before or after a workout. God wants to stretch you, your timeline, and move you towards a better relationship with him.