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Book: John

  • October 27, 2024

    Series: Church & State

    Speaker: Heath McCoy

    Book: John

    Are you feeling stressed out, anxious, or divided about the upcoming elections? You’re not alone. As Christians in the world, but not of the world, we recognize that some things will change whatever the election results. But our focus remains on Jesus, who never changes, and on championing his church in our priorities, in how we love, and in how we view the temporary in light of eternity.

  • September 22, 2024

    Speaker: Heath McCoy

    Book: Exodus, John

    We have the deepest conversations with our closest friends. God wants to have those deep conversations with us, too, and the strongest friendship we could ever know. God isn’t looking for us to be perfect, but to get closer to him and listen to him.

  • June 9, 2024

    Speaker: Heath McCoy

    Book: John

    A broken heart is painful, weakening, and often puts distance between us and Jesus. When we feel broken, we can sit in that feeling or give it to Jesus, we can keep our emotions pent up or vent to Jesus, and we can keep our brokenness or let Jesus transform our brokenness into something beautiful.

  • March 31, 2024

    Speaker: Heath McCoy

    Book: John, Mark

    This Easter, we think about how the resurrection of Jesus changes everything. Jesus had the greatest comeback – from death to life – and offers us the same resurrection power to sustain us, change us, and give us hope.

  • January 28, 2024

    Speaker: Heath McCoy

    Book: John, Psalms

    A united church is the solution to a divided world…. read more

  • January 21, 2024

    Series: Promises

    Speaker: Matt Hoffman

    Today we look into a two-fold promise Jesus makes to us: “Here on earth we will have many trials and sorrows,” “but take heart, because I have overcome the world.”

  • November 5, 2023

    Speaker: Heath McCoy

    Book: John

    When we feel lost or in need, we must come close to God. If we stay consistently obedient to what God has called us to do, even if it feels mundane, God will bring us to an even greater outcome.

  • October 22, 2023

    Speaker: Heath McCoy

    Book: John, Matthew

    We will always face storms, whether our own lives feel tossed around or the world around us feels like a swirling mess. If we follow Jesus, we can have confidence that the storms we face always have a purpose. Storms will strengthen us, grow our faith in Jesus, and give us opportunity to seek surrender and see miracles happen.

  • October 15, 2023

    Speaker: Heath McCoy

    Book: John, Matthew

    In this series, we’ll be talking about a handful of the miracles that Jesus did and what we can learn from them. There are 2 things that miracles are meant to show us: that Jesus is God, and what is possible for our lives when we live completed submitted to the Holy Spirit.