Connecting Kids
In our church we believe that children’s programs exists to connect your kids to God and to learn more about Him.
Equipping Kids
Our children’s ministry exists to provide your kids with tools and resources to help ignite their passions and deepen their faith in Jesus.
Igniting Kids
We believe our programs and events gives your children opportunities to express and empowering them to live boldly for the Lord.
What is CLC Kids about?
We believe that children are a gift from God! In our programs, we provide a safe and encouraging environment where all children have a positive church experience that introduces them to a love for Jesus early on.
What are your programs like?
Our infants and toddlers programs involve volunteer care providers spending time playing games, reading Bible stories, and leading music time with your child.
Preschool age children are constantly moving, touching, and investigating. Our programs utilize animated videos to teach Bible lessons in a fun and creative way. In addition, our Kid’s Team utilizes interactive activities, games, crafts, and songs to help the children apply the leadership lesson to their lives.
Our 1st – 5th program provides great teaching, fun games and big encounters with God! We are passionate about leading and equipping the next generation with a love for Jesus and His Church. Our elementary class combines high-energy activities with Bible-based teaching for boys and girls in the 1st through 5th grades. A combination of games, Bible-related discussions and fun-filled songs capture kids’ attention while showing them that living for God is the best thing out there.
Safety & Security
As a parent/guardian, we want you to feel confident about the safety of your child while you are here at CLC. To help ensure this, our facility utilizes a digital check-in system. Every child, Infant-5th grade is checked-in prior to service and has a Name Tag with an alpha numeric ID#. Parents receive a check-out tag with the corresponding ID# which must be presented at the time of check-out. This will ensure that the right child is leaving with the correct parent/guardian. If at any time during the service a parent needs to be contacted, the alpha numeric ID# will scroll on the screen in the main auditorium.
We have the most vibrant volunteers in our program and prior to serving, all our Kid’s Team Volunteers are carefully screened and trained.
If you are planning to visit, we encourage you to arrive early so we can familiarize you with our system and our facility.