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Series: Frequency

  • January 22, 2023

    Series: Frequency

    Speaker: Heath McCoy

    Book: 1 John, 1 Samuel

    Sometimes we walk into prayer with an expectation of what we want God to do about our problems or circumstances. But the way God answers your prayers will surprise you – your answer will not look like what you thought it would.

  • January 15, 2023

    Series: Frequency

    Speaker: Heath McCoy

    Book: 1 Kings, Exodus, John

    God knows us and can speak to us in a personal way. He knows every need of our lives and can speak to every area of our lives. We must remember that when God speaks, he often whispers.

  • January 8, 2023

    Series: Frequency

    Speaker: Heath McCoy

    Book: 1 Samuel

    Expectation precedes preparation. We will pray, act, and think differently when we expect God to speak to us when we speak to Him. We must first, then, surrender the obstacles we think keep God from speaking to us.