• September 8, 2024

    Series: Psalm 23

    Speaker: Heath McCoy

    Jesus prepares a table for us, his sheep, and gives us a place where our needs are met. Even in the midst of enemies we can have peace knowing our shepherd is near, greater than all, and anoints us with the Holy Spirit to protect our hearts and minds.

  • September 1, 2024

    Series: Psalm 23

    Speaker: Heath McCoy

    Book: Psalms

    We don’t like to be in dark places, or feel like we’re in a “valley of the shadow of death.” We want to be on the mountaintop! To get to those mountaintop places, we must walk through valleys, understanding that these are the places we grow, learn to trust and rely on God more, and can find indescribable peace despite our circumstances.

  • August 25, 2024

    Series: Psalm 23

    Speaker: Heath McCoy

    Book: Psalms

    A good shepherd leads his sheep down right paths, taking care of them and leading them to places of safety and prosperity. We, too, have a good shepherd in Jesus that will lead us to grander places if we follow him, let him lead, and trust his protection, provision, and plan.

  • August 18, 2024

    Series: Psalm 23

    Speaker: Heath McCoy

    Book: Psalms

    An interesting thing about sheep – if a sheep gets rolled over on its back, it’s considered “cast” and can’t get back up. A sheep needs the help of the shepherd to get back on its feet. Similarly, when we feel like life has left us upside down, we need the help of our good shepherd Jesus to save and restore us.

  • August 11, 2024

    Series: Psalm 23

    Speaker: Heath McCoy

    Book: Psalms

    We are all led by something. We follow different things, looking for satisfaction and fulfillment, but ultimately still thirst for something more. When we let Jesus lead us, he will lead us to waters that satisfy.

  • August 6, 2024

    Series: Psalm 23

    Speaker: Heath McCoy

    Book: Genesis, Psalms

    Today we discuss how everything starts with rest. Rest allows us to enter our week and our work from a place of fulfillment and satisfaction. But sometimes we, like sheep, need some help to convince us to rest.

  • July 28, 2024

    Series: Psalm 23

    Speaker: Heath McCoy

    Book: Psalms

    David wrote Psalm 23 during a season filled with anxiety and unknown. As we read this psalm, it helps position us to have strength in the midst of struggle. We take hope that “I have a shepherd” in Jesus, a shepherd who rescues, redirects, protects, and provides for us, His sheep.

  • July 21, 2024

    Speaker: Heath McCoy

    Book: Mark

    As we go through life, we find ourselves in confusing, unknown, and unfriendly situations. It’s often not until we get to the other side of that situation that we understand it. Today we unpack some “spoiler alerts” to remember, whatever you are going through now, or may go through in the future.

  • July 12, 2024

    Speaker: Heath McCoy

    What are you thinking? Our minds are a powerful place, and our thoughts have the ability to lead and direct us in places we may not want to go. To win the battles in our mind, we must audit and define our thoughts, argue with our thoughts, and ask God to transform our thoughts.