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Series: Romans

  • April 21, 2024

    Series: Romans

    Speaker: Heath McCoy

    Book: Romans

    As we close out our series on Romans, we consider how to “end.” Whether it’s a season or stage of life, a relationship, or a job, we should celebrate and finish strong and committed. We finish strong as we find endurance and encouragement in Scripture, prioritize prayer, get along with each other, and stay focused on Jesus.

  • April 14, 2024

    Series: Romans

    Speaker: Heath McCoy

    Book: Romans

    Legacy is the impact or impression that we leave behind – but how does our personal view of legacy match up with the legacy God wants us to leave? A Christian legacy says “I did not live for myself,” “I lived for the Lord,” and “I died for the Lord.”

  • April 7, 2024

    Series: Romans

    Speaker: Heath McCoy

    Book: Romans

    Paul tells us in Romans that “as far as it depends on you, be at peace with everyone.” We don’t just keep the peace, letting things slide and staying silent. We make peace by actively giving people grace instead of what we think they deserve, by being the first to reconcile relationships, and loving difficult people.

  • March 24, 2024

    Series: Romans

    Speaker: Heath McCoy

    Book: Romans

    We were created to worship God. We must respond to God’s love through worship, let worship cost us something, and learn what a lifestyle of worship looks like.

  • March 17, 2024

    Series: Romans

    Speaker: Heath McCoy

    Book: Romans

    A conquerer does the work and gets the reward. Someone more than a conquerer does no work, but still gets the reward because of relationship. We have a new identity because of Jesus, and that identity is victorious and secure.

  • March 10, 2024

    Series: Romans

    Speaker: Heath McCoy

    Book: Romans

    Sin is a big deal. It separates, traps, confuses, and lies to us, ultimately leading us to places we don’t want to be. But we have hope that Jesus is greater, and gives us a new identity to overcome sin.

  • March 3, 2024

    Series: Romans

    Speaker: Heath McCoy

    Book: Romans

    The difficult things we face happen for a purpose. We learn how to persevere, we learn how to trust our faith instead of our feelings, and we grow our hope during seasons of suffering.

  • February 25, 2024

    Series: Romans

    Speaker: Heath McCoy

    Book: Romans

    When we put our faith and belief in Christ, His righteous becomes our identity. Righteous puts us in right standing with God, not of our own merit or works, and allows us to live righteous, transformed, and blessed lives.

  • February 18, 2024

    Series: Romans

    Speaker: Heath McCoy

    Book: Romans

    Everything of significance in God’s kingdom is accessed by faith. Faith is simply trust and belief in the Gospel, and faith is the central point of our lives as Christians.